Why Don't Surfers Take Going Switch Seriously?  - Stab Mag
Spoiler alert: some do. "I think most surfers avoid it because it feels awkward at first, and style is a big deal in surfing," says Italo Ferreira. "It looks strange in the beginning, which makes it feel even harder to pull off. Right now I go switch just for fun. It's not too serious, but I enjoy challenging myself every session by trying to copy the other stance. If athletes can fully replicate their regular stance moves in switch, the future is big. It could really set surfers apart from one another. With wave pools becoming more accessible, training switch stance will be easier, getting to constant improvement. I've tried going switch in contests before, but the scores were low. The judges didn't seem to appreciate how difficult it is. I've seen Kauli pull off a switch barrel at Tehupoo, and it's insanely hard. [laughs]." Photo: Trevor Moran

Why Don’t Surfers Take Going Switch Seriously? 

As answered by World Champ + Olympic gold medallist Italo Ferreira, waterman Kai Lenny + pro snowboarder Todd Richards.

Words by Brendan Buckley
Reading Time: 5 minutes

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