Hammock: Geiselman, Stairmand & Standlick
Your retinas were granted access to the Eric Geiselman show just two days ago, via his clip, Cherry Poppin, but wait – there’s more. Hammock is a new edit by Ryan Moss, featuring Eric and pals Billy Stairmand and Perth Standlick going ballistic in exotic locales all over the globe. The trip was meant to remind them why they started surfing, but for some reason we don’t think it took much to jolt their memories.
Your retinas were granted access to the Eric Geiselman show just two days ago, via his clip, Cherry Poppin, but wait – there’s more. Hammock is a new edit by Ryan Moss, featuring Eric and pals Billy Stairmand and Perth Standlick going ballistic in exotic locales all over the globe. The trip was meant to remind them why they started surfing, but for some reason we don’t think it took much to jolt their memories.
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