16-year-old Riley Laing’s Sumbawa run
You may remember Riley Laing as the kid that was bouncing down the Shipsterns staircase at age 14. He’s 16 now, grown into himself more, become even bolder in the thick juice, and spent time tuning up his small wave play. Effectively. Shown here during a Sumbawa run. Most aspiring pros can kick the tail but need to put real focus on stepping it up; Riley’s the opposite. Video by Shane Fletcher
You may remember Riley Laing as the kid that was bouncing down the Shipsterns staircase at age 14. He’s 16 now, grown into himself more, become even bolder in the thick juice, and spent time tuning up his small wave play. Effectively. Shown here during a Sumbawa run. Most aspiring pros can kick the tail but need to put real focus on stepping it up; Riley’s the opposite.
Video by Shane Fletcher
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