Don’t Miss Chippa Wilson’s “Video No.4” In Costa Mesa Tonight
Come hang/drink/and maybe dance with Chippa and the Octopus boys at the Tiki Bar tonight and watch his new film (and others!)
Chippa Wilson is one of those surfers whose surfing you find yourself rewinding over and over again. It’s so tech it hurts.
His thoroughly modern bag of tricks, along with his polished, confident tuberiding is a rare constellation – he’s as confident under the pressure of a heavy lip and jagged reef as he is hitting the biggest, wildest sections without fear.

Chippa on location for “Video No. 5,” premiering tonight in Costa Mesa, and here on Stab on Sunday.
On Sunday, we’ll be dropping Chippa’s new Octopus flick, “Video No.4,” but if you’re in Southern California tonight, you won’t want to miss the evening Chip and the Octopus boys have planned.
We rang up Chippa, fresh off a flight, and still recovering from a string of very late nights, with European premieres in Hossegor, Amsterdam, and Rome alongside Brendon Gibbens, Jay Davies, and Dion Agius, to hear about tonight’s festivities, and the week he’d had:
Stab: Chips, ya’ made it Stateside. Thought we might lose you.
Chippa: Pretty torched. We went pretty big. As big as you can go [laughs].
We did Amsterdam and Rome. It was sick. The turnout was crazy for all the events. We pretty much just raged, every fuckin’ night.
How good are those crowds in Europe?
The people are coming out for a reason, it’s not just people coming out to drink.
Amsterdam was on a Saturday, Rome was on a Monday. I’d done Amsterdam before, but it was first time in Rome, and there was a bunch of people there, I was tripping out. Monday night in Rome, you know? We did it at this place called Uptown, in the City. It was really fucking cool. We showed Jay’s, Beeg’s, Dion’s and then mine.

Surfers lucky enough to catch one of Chippa’s premieres in Europe are claiming “Video No. 4” as one of the best films of the year, maybe tops.
Love how you guys banded together for the tour. Jay was saying he’d never played his films for anyone live, he was so psyched on the whole experience.
It’s the only way to do it. You get to talk to people afterwards. You get to actually see their reaction. It’s worth it for everyone to do.
Seems like more rewarding than throwing something online and waiting for people to leave shitty comments on the internet.
Yeah, totally. It’s pretty torturous on your body, but it’s a good time.
But yeah, I’m hyped. I think there’ll be heaps of people, and a couple bands are playing. Kevlar are playing, and then another mate of mine, Mom and The Mailman—should be pretty interesting. We’re pumped for the premiere tonight. I’m pretty jet lagged, so hopefully I can stay awake until then—if not, come and wake us up, eh?
Come out to the premiere in Costa Mesa tonight, You can see Video No.4 Exclusively on Stab on Sunday (US).

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