If You’re Going To The Moon…
Ozzie Wright reveals what he’d bring on a hypothetical lunar journey.
(Ed. note: Since a young child, Ozzie has been fascinated by the Cosmos. He paints aliens, he watches stars, and we’re fairly certain he howls at the moon.
The man is a bona fide space freak, so we thought it might be fun to ask his thoughts on the sun, planets, and that delicious cheddar sphere called the moon.
Specifically, we wanted to know what Ozzie would bring with him on a lunar mission. Food, gear, a surfboard just in case? We weren’t sure. But via two cardboard pallets, Ozzie displayed in poetic form his preferred moon junk. You’ll have to check that out below.)
Kane Skennar
Ozzie on space:
I’ve always been interested in space. I love the natural world in general, but space is the biggest part of it.
It probably all came from drawing planets when I was a kid. There was this one Tintin Magazine where they went to the moon in a rocket. I remember loving that one. Maybe that had something to do with it.
I’m not crazy into watching space documentaries or anything; I just like looking at the stars. They’re fascinating. And I think it’s amazing how our human mind can’t comprehend infinity. I just always think, “How can there be no end to space?” Everything’s got an edge on Earth, so if the universe goes on forever, it just flips everything we understand about reality on its head.
Just as a general mantra, I like to say, “cosmically create,” which means letting your intuition guide you. It’s about letting go of your inhibitions and letting things happen.
I want to do an art show called Space Facts – just with a bunch of space paintings and a different fact on each one – but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.
Fly me to the moon…
Kane Skennar
On the moon and surfing:
The moon has such a massive effect on surfing. Tides are pretty much everything. It’s amazing how much they pull the ocean, especially in places like Europe, where water levels change like five metres.
I definitely get hyper-active on the full moon. I can’t sleep and I just wanna go crazy and get inspired. I’ve been pretty manic lately, pretty… maniacal. Maybe I’m a werewolf.
The midnight sun.
Kane Skennar
On aliens and NASA:
If there’s an infinite universe, then there have to be aliens out there somewhere. It’s just impossible for there not to be. And I like aliens.
In reality, even if NASA said they’d train me to go up in space and check everything out, I wouldn’t go. I think it’s ridiculous wasting money on going to outer space. We should be using that money to protect Earth, because it’s the only place we can survive. I love the idea of space and looking at the stars, but I’d hate to waste my time in a tin can, risking my life to go up there.
But in theory, if I did go to the moon, here’s what I would bring:
For those who detest squinting, Ozzie would bring:
- a backpack
- a jetpack
- moon boots (by Sanuk)
- flares, distress signal type
- chainsaw
- bananas
- unicorn
- computer with a spacebar
- thermal underwear
- luna module
- luna park
- lunatics
- pet werewolf
- tide chart
- spray paint
- portable solar-powered battery charging unit
- electric guitar
- sewing machine (see below)
- astrology book
- Dead Moons entire catalogue of music
- Dead Moon hoodie
- Captain Goodvibes’s dog named Astro
- Book called 101 Ways to Get Yourself Back to Earth from the Moon for Dummies
- one of those moon phases posters
- something to spoon
- the Goons
- glow in the dark ukulalien
- Frank Zappa’s kid named Moon Unit Zappa
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