JJF’s five favourite sections
Every clip he drops melts the Internet and this ain’t by chance. His edits have thought and plan behind them, and the surfing ain’t too shabby either. There is one man behind all of this and his name is Blake Kueny. He is the backbone of the Florence film and operations and one of the best editors to surface in the last decade. We asked John John what his favourite edits were and then sent them to Blake to get his thoughts on John’s picks. “I’m impressed by this list,” says Blake. “He has really done his homework. John watches every single clip that comes out, from a groomed clip to a random guy surfing. Then he is watching artsy stuff too. About three times a week, John and I email back and forth on clips that we like and what we think is so good about each. I think everyone loves the searching for Tom Curren part at JBay and the same goes for anything Dane drops. I’ve seen him and Matt Meola watching snowboarding clips before they surf. They watch the way the guys flip and then go try it in the water. Seems like it’s working too. The AI part is just a classic. It was Andy’s last section in a movie and it was just classic AI, surfing all the types of waves he was so good at.” Dane Reynolds Excerpt. Andy Irons TWS movie. Travis Rice, That’s It That’s All. Home section. Searching for Tom Curren, JBay section. The Originals, Shipsterns edit.
Every clip he drops melts the Internet and this ain’t by chance. His edits have thought and plan behind them, and the surfing ain’t too shabby either. There is one man behind all of this and his name is Blake Kueny. He is the backbone of the Florence film and operations and one of the best editors to surface in the last decade. We asked John John what his favourite edits were and then sent them to Blake to get his thoughts on John’s picks. “I’m impressed by this list,” says Blake. “He has really done his homework. John watches every single clip that comes out, from a groomed clip to a random guy surfing. Then he is watching artsy stuff too. About three times a week, John and I email back and forth on clips that we like and what we think is so good about each. I think everyone loves the searching for Tom Curren part at JBay and the same goes for anything Dane drops. I’ve seen him and Matt Meola watching snowboarding clips before they surf. They watch the way the guys flip and then go try it in the water. Seems like it’s working too. The AI part is just a classic. It was Andy’s last section in a movie and it was just classic AI, surfing all the types of waves he was so good at.”
Dane Reynolds Excerpt.
Andy Irons TWS movie.
Travis Rice, That’s It That’s All. Home section.
Searching for Tom Curren, JBay section.
The Originals, Shipsterns edit.
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