“I Could Do Reels And Surf Two Foot Beachies And Hoard Cash But That’s Moral Suicide” - Stab Mag

Live Now... Stab Highway East Coast (USA) Presented By Monster Energy, Episode 3

"I just felt a burning urge to do it and Mikey was on board with it too, just to go somewhere... That's kind of how I run my life a little bit. It's like going in a direction, but not really. I don't like being too locked into doing stuff. It's pretty fucked way to try and keep the stress down, but you can get little moments of glory living your life like that". Noa and the shot of the trip from Stab High Lakey Peak. All photos by Jimmicane.

“I Could Do Reels And Surf Two Foot Beachies And Hoard Cash But That’s Moral Suicide”

Noa Deane’s thoughts on money, media, airs in glassy waves and more.

Words by Ethan Davis
Reading Time: 5 minutes

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