A Photo Essay You’ll Peruse From Cover To Cover After A Christmas Ham And Too Many Chardonnays
Treat yourself or a friend to vol. 2 of ‘Craig’ by John Respondek.
Surf photographer, John Respondek announces the launch of ‘Craig. By Respondek – Second Edition’. Part 3.5 in his series of independent photography essays, sees the return of Craig Anderson as the subject.
John’s 120-page photo collection follows where the first edition left off, delivering his finest, unseen images of Ando bound up in a hard-cover photojournal fixed together with mustard yellow trimmings. It follows his three previous profile journals of Taj Burrow, Chippa Wilson, and Dion Agius.
Over the last three years, Craig and John have been on countless trips shooting photos. “I was just sitting on stacks of archived images. The last edition with Craig sold out super quickly, so we thought, ‘Why not produce another one?'” The duo has hand-selected imagery from the best of their endeavours, and the book is finished off with captions by Craig.
Craig says, “We’ve had some great sessions over the past few years. We’ve surfed a whole lot of new waves and returned to some old favourites. I love the idea of images being compiled, curated and bound together in one place, and I’m excited to share my part of the picture in this book. We hope you enjoy.”
Respondek says “It was a pleasure to work with Craig on another print project. We have a bunch of new images that we want to share. It’s amazing to have the opportunity to catalogue the images within this book, and it’s an honour to know that there are people out there who appreciate what we create.”
Visit www.respondekphoto.com to purchase ‘Craig. By Respondek – Second Edtion’.
For more details, contact: [email protected] | Ph: 0421 828 083