The Joskes Are An Inspiring Surfing Clan
The ‘consummate perfectionist’ behind Valla surfboards just finished a 41-year boat-building project.
Aside from being an incredibly gifted surfer capable of winning World Junior Championships and J Bay wildcards, Heath Joske is equally well-versed at making a quieter, off-grid existence look desirable.
Earlier in the year, Heath starred in Farm Boys, “a hardcore surf and gardening show”, where he baked solar-powered chocolate cake and shared the recipe of his turbocharged chicken shit, in one of the more entertaining and informative environmental mini-series in recent memory.
In a time when the cost of living, climate change + technological displacement threatens to shaft the lot of us, learning DIY hacks that allow us to rely less on others, be it pork-barreling pollies or coin-operated crook enterprises, doesn’t only lend one a certain kind of romantic freedom, but undeniably practical, life-enhancing skills too.
Speaking of which, our forthcoming EAST psychonaut Dave Rasta also made a Farm Boys cameo, where he taught us how to lovingly neglect your backyard (using the S.T.U.N method) to grow crisp, snapping green beans.
In light of Heath’s pedigree, his heart + soul proclivity to craft things + educate people is less surprising. His father Paul Joske crafted Valla Surfboards for over 40 years, while his mother, Jenny Joske, worked full-time as a school teacher at Nambucca Heads Public School.
Ergo, he’s a perfect fusion of both.

Anywhose, here’s a very cute film courtesy of YETI that profiles his old man and the catamaran he’s chipped away at for over four decades, and finally launched in April this year.
It might make you feel like a rat in the maze, but as any shrink will tell you, “the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one.”