A Panamanian Pit Packin Palooza
Sorry for the alliteration, but Sam Coffey likes to thread the needle.
Quick, punchy, and not too long.
This description, which is an honest review from a previous lover, also applies to the beach breaks of Bocas Del Toro, Panama. The Caribbean culture presents a laid-back lifestyle land, channeling all of its frustration throughout the archipelago’s sandbars.
Santa Cruz native Sam Coffey took a recent trip to Panama’s precious gem and plopped into honey holes of various girths and varieties. In terms of defrosting, he couldn’t have chosen a better location. Why fight for scraps in Hawaii when Bocas is dishing out mini-kegs on repeat? Friendly locals and cheap beer never hurt either.
Just be sure to bring a sizable quiver, that place snaps breaks more boards than *insert airline name*.
Watch the Panamanian Pit Packing palooza here. Gosh that’s fun to say.
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