Need Directions To Skeleton Bay?
Let’s ask the only pros who visited this year.
In her book Cape Of Storms, Bianca Bowers writes about Africa in all of its tremendous beauty and hardship.
“I sat amongst the bones for a while and watched the ocean as it churned, thinking that Africa was the most wild and devastatingly beautiful place that I would ever have the privilege of knowing.”
The passage from the book, which former Stab lensman Sam Moody chose to encapsulate in his sojourn to Namibia, certainly does this Wasted Talent film justice. An empty beach sits, littered only with skulls and the barks of wary seals, while a man silently flies through a liquid wormhole along the sand.

With just three people per square kilometer, Namibia has the world’s least dense population besides Mongolia. Not a bad place if you’re looking for empty waves.
Featuring Monster’s regular-footed-rubber-boy Brendon Gibbens and Irishman Gearoid Mcdaid, A Time To Be So Small is simple and dreamlike.
A lovely encapsulation of tube-time spent in a forgotten land. And, to our knowledge, the only published desert strike of the season.

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