Now… This: Louie Hynd Gives Me Permission To Piss In My Wetsuit
New films, solo sessions, and parking lot dampness.
Ok, he didn’t exactly permit me, but he never said no. This week on Stab Premium, Queensland native Louie Hynd released part 4 of his episodic surf series ‘Imagination Roulette.’ The films have slowly but steadily dropped over the last couple of years, concluding with Episode 4 in Australia.
Louie and some company explored the hollow depths of BFE, and stumbled gracefully into perfection. Ramps, tubes, and wedges—they found everything except other people. A trip almost too perfect to comprehend, leading me to believe that Louie is hiding something. This guy has to have bad luck at some point, right? Let’s find out.
What’s your spirit animal?
I’m not sure, maybe a cruisey house dog.
What inspired Imagination Roulette?
Darcy and myself wanting to pour our creative energy into what we love. Traveling, surfing, and art. We wanted each episode to have a unique vibe and show the variety of colors and waves that different places offer worldwide.
How long did the whole series take to film?
It has been a few years now. The first trip that started it all was when we went to Ireland in October 2017.
Is episode 4 the last of the series, or can we expect more?
Episode 4, the Australian part, is the fourth and final Ep of the series. We’ve been working on a film with Rip Curl called Cosmic Shift that will release towards the end of the year.
What it’s like to get such sound waves with no one out?
Completely solo is pretty trippy. You sort of just zone in and are super present in the experience. Having a friend to share the experience with is always more enjoyable. The social aspect of surfing is one the best parts, especially when it’s pumping.
Ever have any bad encounters at a crowded break?
A few years ago, I waited three hours at Super-suck for a wave just to get faded. That hurt.
Where is the last place you’d want to make a surf film?
Probably on the Gold Coast, haha.
Is it acceptable to pee in your wetsuit before entering the water?
Pretty rogue call, I’d pee before getting in, but it’s entirely up to you.
What is the best part about camping/traveling? What’s the worst?
The best part about camping is every day is a spontaneous adventure. The worst part is about camping is having canned tuna for lunch for the 5th day in a row.
Did you befriend those dolphins we saw in the film? Do you speak their language?
I’d like to think so. You’re always trying to give off a vibe like you’re a friend, not an enemy.
Why did you choose an episodic release vs. one long movie?
It would have been a long wait for the release, haha maybe we’ll put them all together for a long one.
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