Finally, A Summer Craft to Fill the Mushy Onshore Void
How to make crap waves fun, with a 2+1.
Here’s the thing: beautiful twin fins, although technically “fishes”, don’t go so well in junk.
You can get away with one if it’s lacking in push, but it’s got to be clean, which during summer (unless you’re religiously in the water by 4:45 am, you sociopath), it’s generally not. The surf heads at Chilli know that not everyone likes going straight when the surf’s lacklustre, so they’ve created the BV2 (the evolution of the best selling Black Vulture OG), and the idea is to get in easy, go fast, then, well, the rest’s up to you.
Former Junior Series stud, friend of Stab and current Chilli marketing guru Michael Spencer (who judging by his instagram, managed to work as fair bit of “r&d time” into his contract) tells us that the BV2 came about due to his need for summer speed. “It started with me wanting pull the Black Vulture hip out and flatten the tail rocker to make it faster,” Spen tells us on conference call. “I got my first one at the end of last summer, and have had a few since then. I wanted a 2+1, and have surfed it a lot in Forster and in shorey rip bowls on the North Shore of Sydney where I live.”
Talking fins, Spenny reckons it works with your normal set of three, but 2+1’s where the BV2 really comes alive. “2+1 gives you the speed, so you get up and you’ve got push in small junk, but then it’s got that performance tail to lay it over. Twin fins such hot topic, but this is more of a stable way to have a twinnie feel, but you don’t have to hold back.”
Spen admits that, universe permitting, he probably would’ve been able to blag a trip to Bali to really put the BV2 through its paces. “Ah it goes in anything, especially shoreys and mushy pointbreaks, but it would’ve been the perfect Canggu board,” he says. In absence of Spenny lighting up Canggu rights, the new rocket’s been well tested by Micah Margieson on the slopey peelers of Cabarita Point, and Newcastle upstart Connor Lee in Redhead, land of the shorey rip bowl (and Stab Creative Director, Shinya Dalby).
If you’re not into twin fins, and get bored going straight (to the shoulder on a mid-length), then we’d highly suggest giving a BV2 a blast. Summer’s coming, days are getting longer, and an hour bashing the shorey makes that first drop of ale taste all the sweeter. They go up to 6’8 too, these being inclusive times, so all shapes and sizes are welcome.
Jump in and grab one while, while stocks last.
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