Welcome To The School Of Rizal Tandjung
Where Bronson Meydi and friends have been assiduous students.
Rizal Tandjung has had his name attached to Indonesian surfing since the early 1990s.
From the moment he became a mascot for the “Momentum Generation,” the lanky teen stood out for both his whippy style in the water and his benignly riotous nature on land.
Three decades later, Indonesia’s ultimate surfing ambassador remains true to his character and dedicated to propelling a new generation of archipelago surfers onto the global stage.
Indomoment enters the YouTube scene as a platform showcasing Indonesia’s top-ranking talent – from Bronson Meydi and Kian Martin to Westen Hirst and Varun Tandjung, among others.

The influence of Taylor Steele’s early work is evident in this Rizal Tandjung-directed survey of a year spent across Indonesia’s delectable Indian Ocean coastline.
Expect no faux super 8 filters, free-jazz soundtracks, or unnecessary ornaments. Rizal’s output is straightforward, and he seems perfectly content with that.
Outside of the main Indo-youth-led sections, this edit features cameos from veterans Marlon Gerber and Wayan “Betet” Merta, alongside international visitors like Jay Occhilupo, Josh Moniz, Jack Robinson, Ethan Ewing, some guy named Fisher, and a bunch more.
Turn up the AC, bring out that Bintang singlet out of the storage, and let the credit card run wild on Skyscanner.
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