The Stab Interview: Jeremy Flores On The Quik Fest, His Relationship With Andy Irons, And Coaching France To Olympic Gold - Stab Mag

Live Today, 10/3, at 5 PM PDT — The Electric Acid Surfboard Test With Dave Rastovich

"At first I was kind of shy to invite anyone to the Quik Fest, because what if nobody came? I was kind of scared, and then boom, everyone started confirming and then we scored sick waves. We had four days of pumping waves, so we must have had good karma."

The Stab Interview: Jeremy Flores On The Quik Fest, His Relationship With Andy Irons, And Coaching France To Olympic Gold

“I was from an island so small you don’t even see it on the map, and I wanted to prove that I could beat the best surfers in the world.”

Words by Chris Binns
Reading Time: 16 minutes

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