All Of John Florence’s Films Now Live On His Youtube Channel
Is this John’s Marine Layer?
John Florence is the most talented athlete with the best video production team in the world of surfing—facts.
However, John tends to hoard his footage for months, years, decades, it feels, so that he can drop a condensed, cinematic, A++ reel that receives a Vimeo Staff pick before they can even get through the molten lava intro.
For example, Space.
We waited over a year for this six-minute banger, which was dazzling beyond belief and featured the greatest moment in surf cinema history (you’ll know it when you see it), but ultimately it just left us hungry for more.
Back in the mid-2000s, Dane Reynolds changed the way we consumed surfing when he started Marine Layer Productions, a lo-fi Vimeo channel where Dane would upload regularly, whether that meant single-session clips, a jaunt down to Mexico, or a feature-length film.
Marine Layer was the impetus behind surfing’s web clip craze, one that quickly engulfed our browsers and made sites like Stab a hive of daily activity. This video boom also cheapened the short-form surfing film, by the mere fact that there were so damn many of them.
This, we imagine, is why John John never felt compelled to pump out a constant barrage of surf porn. There was already enough of that in the world, and his ambitions as a surfer had little to do with play counts or analytics. He wanted to make art, in and out of the water.
So we got Done. A few years later, View From a Blue Moon. Eventually, Space. There were a couple series in between, like Begin Again, And Again, Again, and Twelve, but that’s really it. Just imagine all the sick daily clips that rest in the hard drive catacombs!
But, could John’s hyper-selective era be coming to an end? In a recent Instagram post, Florence revealed the following:
The YouTube channel is officially up. I’m excited to start sharing some pieces from our life on tour, the recovery process and some fun surf edits that we’ve been putting together. Link is in my bio if you wanna check it out!
…Is he referring to a John vlog?! We surely hoped so, but a closer inspection revealed that, eh, kinda?
There are are two vlog-esque vids on his YT page, along with two single-session clips, then all of his major releases over the past seven years (excluding Done and VFABM, which you still have to pay for). It will be interesting to see if and how John continues to populate this page now that he’s laid up, but we expect some sailing, foiling, and beekeeping will be involved once he’s readily vertical.
So, is this the new Marine Layer? Maybe, maybe not. It’s hard to know until John’s knee is back in place, but we’ll certainly be keeping an eye on the page until then. In the meantime, John’s uploaded enough content on there to feed a pack of rabid hyenas, so go ahead and gorge!
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