10 Questions With S.U.R.F. Winner Jake ‘Money Making Machine’ Vincent
How did Vinny blow his 10 G’s?
Jake Vincent is the unlikely winner of the S.U.R.F. series. Predominantly a hi-fi technical small wave surf-skate savant which he flexed in Stab High Waco 2019, Vinnie’s well-roundedness had question marks on it coming into the Stab TV surf show.
Vinnie’s surfing surprised everyone, threading needles in solid tubes on his duct-taped, sacred geometry hybrid board in the Resourcefulness challenge, his lofty punts in the Uncover challenge, and his imaginitive seated Frictionless surfing. When we spoke to Vinnie, he had just wrapped up a day at an agricultural workshop learning soil microbiology, a passion that he is funding with the spoils of his prize money.
Given this is the only contest Vinnie has entered in recent memory, he has a finals winning percentage of 100%, making him more deadly than Gabriel Medina, Mick Fanning and Kelly Slater when a trophy is on the line.
Stab: How well did you know the other guys beforehand?
Jake Vincent: I knew Ozzy pretty well. I’ve played a coupla gigs with him and whatnot. Krooky and Soli, I just see them out in the surf a bit. We’re definitely all mates. But I don’t text Krooky and Soli everyday to ask about their personal lives.
How does it feel to beat Soli Bailey in a surf contest?
He’s definitely won the most heats out of anyone. But to be honest I kind of thought the format would favour the other guys more with it being such a funky set of rules. Soli definitely blew my mind with his surfing though. It felt good to win, never thought that would’ve happened. I was just in it for fun. That was enough for me. I’d already won before it had started. Didn’t mind losing after that.
Favourite challenge?
I had heaps of fun in all of them. It was nice to ride different boards. It was hilarious trying to stick two boards back together, and I really enjoyed trying to catch the longest wave. That’s a whole new world I hadn’t tapped into. I’ve never thought that much about trying to stick with the tiniest bit of whitewash and keep going. I highly recommend getting a longboard and getting the longest wave you possibly can. You go through this Donnie Darko thing where you’re seeing equations in your head.
What have you done with your windsurfer?
Oh, that thing was a cooker. On my first wave I could feel it driving in a straight line and I was stoked. Then the bottom blew out and I had to lug it from Clarke’s all the way to the top of The Pass. It was about 40 kilos. Lugged it down, caught a wave, and lugged it back. Then I picked up another log that was about 20 kilos. I took it back to the tip a week later. It cost 10 bucks to buy and 15 dollars to return as a waste product. Wasn’t a great investment.

How many times have you played your winning soundtrack?
It’s pretty groovy, but it’s always weird hearing your own voice. I’ve definitely popped it on a few times. And lots of people have wanted to listen to it with me. Danny’s brother did so good making it.
What are you going to spend your 10 G’s on?
Well, to be honest, I spent it all before I got it. The first weekend I won I shouted everyone beers at the pub and took friends out for dinner. Then I was like ‘Oh shit, I haven’t actually got the money yet and I’ve used all my cash’. I bought a ute and a microscope to do soil microbiology.
Rumour has it you lost your girlfriend’s uninsured car the day after your victory, can you confirm?
Yeah, it got nicked from the main road at Bangas (Bangalow). Ford Fiesta. The thieves racked up three and a half grand worth of fines and then torched it out in Tyagarah.
Was the car unlocked with the keys in the ignition?
Yeah… I’ve started locking the car more since. We’ve lived in Bangas for years and you just wouldn’t expect it. It’s an old Ford, mate. You couldn’t flog that thing for a buck. Steal from Woolies. Don’t steal from the people. Dog move. Steal from the corpos.
Thoughts on doing the QS now that you’ve won a contest?
I think I might just quit while I’m ahead. I don’t want to do a floater. I want to go out with a bang. That was my bang. I’ve retired. I think it’s quite noble that I quit now. Let the people remember me as the champ. Undefeated.
A not so subtle plug… How good is Byron Bay Beer?
Oh wow. I drank so many of those. They’re awesome. I’d drink many more too. I couldn’t rate them higher. Byron’s finest beer. ‘All beers are good beers, but some beers are better than others’ are wise words I once heard.
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