10 Rules For Dating a pro surfer, with Ashley Osborne
Interview: Lucas TownsendPhotographer: Kane SkennarStyle: Mark VassalloHair / Make up: Nicholas X Morley The simultaneous shattering of a million hearts and clap of a million hands soundtracked the first time Julian Wilson beautified the contest area with his gal, Ashley Osborne, two years ago. She quickly became the webcast lensman’s go-to, and now Ash perfectly fills gaps during Julian’s more quiet heats. But it’s not just aesthetic: Miss Osborne has become fluent in navigating the surfing world as a pro’s plus-one. She more than deserves her own attention, and it is with the imagery you see on these pages that we offer this attention. And accompanying these photographs are Ash’s 10 iron rules for dating a pro surfer… 1. Kiss your man before his heat. It’ll become a natural ritual. Julian would never forgive me if I didn’t. 2. Be there when he fails. With a warm towel and a hug. A big meal will help, too. 3. Try (at least) to learn the rules of his sport. I’ve learned from whoever’s unlucky enough to get stuck next to me with all my questions. Here’s three things to get you started: You generally need three strong manoeuvres and/or an amazing aerial to get a great score, to get barrelled is the key, and you must ride out of a wave to receive good points. 4. Talk to the other girlfriends. I talk to most of the girls, they’re all really nice and friendly. Jules had an important heat against Jordy at Bells this year. I sat next to Lyndall and was so nervous, but she was really cool and kept things light-hearted, even though Jules won. 5. Don’t be upset when he doesn’t invite you to an event. Julian will try, but there’s some places that simply aren’t gf-friendly, like Namotu, Fiji. It comes down to timing with work and places we both love. But, if it’s an important one to him, I’m definitely there. 6. Huntington is not the girlfriend’s worst nightmare it seems. It was the first contest I went to. I was fresh to the scene and it all really affected me. But now I understand it and it’s not too overwhelming. The fans are what it’s all about and I love seeing them so passionate for the surfers and the sport, it blows me away. 7. Love costs, don’t be scared of the bills. We usually Skype and send millions of photos and many text messages. So, our bills can be scary! But it’s worth it. 8. Be a good distraction. I’ll try and distract Julian when the time is right, take his mind off things a little and help him enjoy being at locations. It’s a nice role to play! 9. Keep working hard at your own job. You’ll appreciate the time you do get away and it’s good for you as an individual. 10. Time will ease the pain of being apart. It was really hard when I lived in New York. But the longer we’ve been together, the better it’s become. We live together now and I’m busy when he’s away. I still miss him every day he’s gone, but I feel lucky to see him as much as I do.
Interview: Lucas Townsend
Photographer: Kane Skennar
Style: Mark Vassallo
Hair / Make up: Nicholas X Morley
The simultaneous shattering of a million hearts and clap of a million hands soundtracked the first time Julian Wilson beautified the contest area with his gal, Ashley Osborne, two years ago. She quickly became the webcast lensman’s go-to, and now Ash perfectly fills gaps during Julian’s more quiet heats. But it’s not just aesthetic: Miss Osborne has become fluent in navigating the surfing world as a pro’s plus-one. She more than deserves her own attention, and it is with the imagery you see on these pages that we offer this attention. And accompanying these photographs are Ash’s 10 iron rules for dating a pro surfer…
1. Kiss your man before his heat. It’ll become a natural ritual. Julian would never forgive me if I didn’t.
2. Be there when he fails. With a warm towel and a hug. A big meal will help, too.
3. Try (at least) to learn the rules of his sport. I’ve learned from whoever’s unlucky enough to get stuck next to me with all my questions. Here’s three things to get you started: You generally need three strong manoeuvres and/or an amazing aerial to get a great score, to get barrelled is the key, and you must ride out of a wave to receive good points.
4. Talk to the other girlfriends. I talk to most of the girls, they’re all really nice and friendly. Jules had an important heat against Jordy at Bells this year. I sat next to Lyndall and was so nervous, but she was really cool and kept things light-hearted, even though Jules won.
5. Don’t be upset when he doesn’t invite you to an event. Julian will try, but there’s some places that simply aren’t gf-friendly, like Namotu, Fiji. It comes down to timing with work and places we both love. But, if it’s an important one to him, I’m definitely there.
6. Huntington is not the girlfriend’s worst nightmare it seems. It was the first contest I went to. I was fresh to the scene and it all really affected me. But now I understand it and it’s not too overwhelming. The fans are what it’s all about and I love seeing them so passionate for the surfers and the sport, it blows me away.
7. Love costs, don’t be scared of the bills. We usually Skype and send millions of photos and many text messages. So, our bills can be scary! But it’s worth it.
8. Be a good distraction. I’ll try and distract Julian when the time is right, take his mind off things a little and help him enjoy being at locations. It’s a nice role to play!
9. Keep working hard at your own job. You’ll appreciate the time you do get away and it’s good for you as an individual.
10. Time will ease the pain of being apart. It was really hard when I lived in New York. But the longer we’ve been together, the better it’s become. We live together now and I’m busy when he’s away. I still miss him every day he’s gone, but I feel lucky to see him as much as I do.
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