Watch: Everything You Missed From Our Recent Bondi Bender
On tour with Harry Bryant, Mitch Crews and the rest of our Summer Sessions entourage.
The second week of our tour began on the dazzling shores of Bondi Beach, a literal stone’s throw from our beachside Oz HQ. The day was fantastic (and cancerous). Beachgoers littered the promenade, the sand and the waist-high waves peeling out in front. Harry Bryant boogied, his ankle buckled weeks earlier.
While Harry joked about his volunteer lifesaving service, sliding fins-free between the flags, our band pals Middle Kids and Cub Sport tried their best not to overdose on Vitamin D. By the afternoon, the shade of red on the face of Middle Kid’s drummer revealed a failure in doing such.
We poured into the Bucket List, adding to the curious mix of locals, musicians, photographers and grinning heads from various corners of the globe. We quenched our thirst on Summer Bright while Wild Honey took the stage in a mess of long hair and tracksuit combos.
Our co-headliners followed. Mouths mimed the words; smiling was contagious. Cub Sport kinda stole everyone’s heart.
Harry wore a cowboy hat and employed a walking stick. He wrapped his arm around his “dragger” (a black bodyboard with ‘Drag’ sprayed on the slick) and we joined the rest of the bandwagon making their way to the North Bondi Bowling Club. Unsurprisingly we outright sucked on the green. The focus turned back to drinking, the bands ate dinner (we forgot), before the group hazily disbanded into the sunset.

Ready for that Eastern Suburbs catwalk. Photo by Stab’s sometimes lensman, Shinya Dalby.
Next morning I fired up my phone; I had a text and a missed call from Harry.
“Lil Ricky, it’s Haz. Me boogs locked in the Stab office and it’s fuckin offy and crankin out front.”
There wasn’t anything we could do for him. We were already on our way to the airport for the Coolangatta show, swimming through hangover sweats and a swollen brain. The flight was torturous.We grabbed Mitch Crews, washed it all off over a wave and a dip into a Currumbin waterhole and did it all over again.
See Life Without Andy’s photos from Bondi here, and Coolangatta here.
This Saturday we’ll be in Byron, backing it all up once more with another Sunday session, this time on the Sunshine Coast.
SAT 4th NOV – BYRON BAY – Byron Bay Brewery
SUN 5th NOV – SUNSHINE COAST – Sunshine Beach Surf Club
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