WSL CEO Paul Speaker says things on Fox Biz
WSL CEO Paul Speaker recently went on Fox Business and said lots of things. Like, facts about surfing, albeit in layman’s terms, for a very un-surf TV host and mostly un-surf TV audience. And mostly numbers. He talks about webcast numbers and wave height numbers and reef depth numbers and Kelly Slater’s annual salary numbers and perfect heat numbers. Try not to cringe at the surfing-in-layman’s-terms banter, and wonder about where Mr Speaker gets his numbers.
WSL CEO Paul Speaker recently went on Fox Business and said lots of things. Like, facts about surfing, albeit in layman’s terms, for a very un-surf TV host and mostly un-surf TV audience. And mostly numbers. He talks about webcast numbers and wave height numbers and reef depth numbers and Kelly Slater’s annual salary numbers and perfect heat numbers. Try not to cringe at the surfing-in-layman’s-terms banter, and wonder about where Mr Speaker gets his numbers.
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