Dane Reynolds Signature Chino
If the idea of a Dane Reynolds signature chino (undoubtedly one of Quik’s bargaining chips around contract re-negotiation time) don’t tickle you, then perhaps you’ll be mildly entertained by the commercial Dane and his gal Courtney put together. While Dane strums some reverb’d gee-tar chords, Court’s voice murmurs words like “Confidence” and “Physical attraction” in perfect mock-hi-fashion sultry. It’s hard to make out how the chinos look through the grainy film and dust of the Palm Desert but, like, who cares? They’ve Dane Reynolds name attached, and’ll sell like hotcakes anyhow. Just look at how many Dumpster Divers (soon to be Neck Beards) there are at any beach on the planet. He’s also got some teos, trunks and shirts in the mail.
If the idea of a Dane Reynolds signature chino (undoubtedly one of Quik’s bargaining chips around contract re-negotiation time) don’t tickle you, then perhaps you’ll be mildly entertained by the commercial Dane and his gal Courtney put together. While Dane strums some reverb’d gee-tar chords, Court’s voice murmurs words like “Confidence” and “Physical attraction” in perfect mock-hi-fashion sultry. It’s hard to make out how the chinos look through the grainy film and dust of the Palm Desert but, like, who cares? They’ve Dane Reynolds name attached, and’ll sell like hotcakes anyhow. Just look at how many Dumpster Divers (soon to be Neck Beards) there are at any beach on the planet. He’s also got some teos, trunks and shirts in the mail.
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