The most definitive Jaws edit this week
Process: Forecast winks at Jaws, BWWT event is called on, forecast dulls slightly, BWWT event is called off, squad still rolls up to Jaws and scores. And, it’s covered from all angles because 2015 and digital media. The most definitive of the edits we’ve seen so far howevs, comes today from ACL Media. Most notable, Albee Layer continuing to handle the west bowl like it’s… somewhere way less intense than Jaws.
Process: Forecast winks at Jaws, BWWT event is called on, forecast dulls slightly, BWWT event is called off, squad still rolls up to Jaws and scores. And, it’s covered from all angles because 2015 and digital media. The most definitive of the edits we’ve seen so far howevs, comes today from ACL Media. Most notable, Albee Layer continuing to handle the west bowl like it’s… somewhere way less intense than Jaws.
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