Would You Rather: North Point, Main Break Or The Box?
Kelly, Mick, Conner, Seabass and more weigh in on West Oz’ hottest topic.
Big, long, throttling barrels with an astronomical launch pad? An oversized, frequently fat A-frame with an inside cheese grater? Or lastly, an open ocean ledge imploding in on itself?
What’s your pick?
Margaret River’s often bagged for less than stellar viewing, but name another event on tour that houses three individual and entirely distinct venues: Main Break, Box and North Point.
As per usual, teeth are chattering about the potential of running somewhere, “anywhere” other than Main Break. The forecast looks as if North Point will be the go, however, if the swell dials down, The Box could also be on the cards.
We’re all akin to drunken game of ‘would you rather?’, but less often when it comes to waves.
So let’s dissect:
Main Break
John John is the one of few exceptions to the Main Break mundanity. Photo. WSL/Sloane
We’ll kick things off with the worst of the options.
There’s often a peculiar aspect to the wave, with an outward curving left and a slightly more bowly – occasionally barrelling – right, with plenty of face to move that unfortunately finishes straight onto dry rock.
Historically, the majority of Margaret River Pro competition goes down at Main Break—in everything from mediocre 4-foot burgers, double-overhead barrels, to elongated canvases brimming to be gouged.
However, after being subject to Bells a week before, most are keen to see anything but another fat face carve.
Over the years we’ve seen Kelly nab a memorable 10.
To two John’s laid down the most dominant performance professional surfing has seen in years, possibly ever, at Main Break last year.
As well as healthy installment of end section fin busters.
“6-foot Main Break can be fun, but it’s very average and tricky.” Kelly says. “The interesting thing is in people figuring it out, not really shredding it. But if someone shreds it, it really stands out.”
And I think we all know who Kelly is referring to as the previous years’ standout.
The Box
Grabbing your rail is acceptable when there’s an axe looming. Owen Wright, one of the biggest goofyfoot threats at The Box Photo. WSL
In 2015, the Box was unveiled as a potential back-up spot and the Western Australian coast delivered it’s best to supply.
The first two days of competition that year ran at the Box. It was arguably the most enjoyable WSL viewing in the history of the Margaret River Pro—although that’s not saying much.
Owen Wright slid into the biggest wave of the day, slipped right back out and received a 10; Adam Melling copped a liquid guillotine to the gut, and the entire CT probably needed more than a quick stint in the physio booth after a number of beatings.
Other than this memorable, yet short-lived crack at the Box, we’ve yet to see it’s beauty unload upon our screens again.
Though each year we’re blessed with a bounty of footage from lay-days and the pre-comp waiting period, we haven’t seen a heat there in three years.
Maybe 2018’s the year. Unless, of course, it’s too big. In which case…
North Point
It’s questionable whether Julian’s shoulder would cope with a landing from here, but we won’t complain if he tries.
Like The Box, and unlike Main Break, North Point’s starred in countless video sections, an innumerable count of absurdly long tubes, and the loftiest punts in the West.
Jordy’s historic tube to oop is only the beginning.
After years of rumours, North Point was officially sanctioned in 2017 as the second back-up location for the Margaret River Pro. And so of course there seemed like no better way to test it out than kicking off Round 1 at the point.
In all honesty though, it was little more than a snore.
The highlight reel of Day 1 is filled with flickers of what we know North Point can produce, though Seabass’ 10-pointer spiralled Pete Mel into what can only be described a near on-air orgasm.
Other than that foam balling freight train though, there wasn’t much on offer; the day was predominantly filled with un-ridden insiders, near-waveless heats.
North Point pumps, but it did anything but that last year.
So, what do the surfers think? Box, North Point or Main Break?
“North Point 100 percent” – The CT’s steaming Rookie, Griffin Colapinto.
“North Point if it’s firing!! That would be unreal!” – Californian cutback connoisseur, Conner Coffin
“Ha. North for sure. Such a sick wave” – Man currently dealing with metatarsal issues, Kelly Slater.
“North Point is probably the most perfect wave around here, but as a fan of the sport, I’d love to see gnarly Box again!” – The gent who lucked into a North Point gem, Sebastian Zietz
“I’m definitely not going to paddle out Margaret River [Main Break] again, anytime in this lifetime.” – serial Main Break hater and man currently shopping for Lay-Z-Boy recliners, Mick Fanning.
The list continues and North Point is the outstanding tour pick, with a little bit of love left for the Box.
Though Conner was nice enough to say a few kind words about Main Break— “I actually don’t mind Main Break when it’s on. Some big right hand sections”—we’re sure he just felt bad.
We’re also certain John John holds a large squishy spot in his heart for Main break, after his demolition of the joint last year.
So, lovely readers and commenting companions, for your viewing pleasure, what would you rather?
A couple Box beatings? Perhaps some North Point bullets? Or do you not care so long as Zeke paddles around like an angry beast again?
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